Weekly Review 31/10/2020

Weekly Review 31/10/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 31st October 2020, W Cutler Cup 300 yards.

          Bathurst Rifle Club moved back to 300 yards for the start of the W Cutler Cup competition on Saturday afternoon and with a break in the weather quickly completed the days shooting without interruption. The north-westerly breeze had some moments of steadiness but mostly continually changed strength and direction just enough to catch the unwary with the flags appearing very difficult to read.

          Steve Williams and Gordon Shepherd battled it out for top honours in Target Rifle with each shooter tightening their group considerably in the second stage but Gordons lack of centre bulls in his first stage left him two centre bulls behind. Graeme Bright had a rough patch in his first stage shoot to leave him one point behind the two leaders and although he gave a big effort in his second stage was not able to catch up while John Coghill struggled to keep his shots near the centre early on and although his second stage was an improvement he could not have caught the leaders.

          In F Class Geoff Willis gained top spot for the day after a lucky break in his first stage managing to keep all shots in the centre which helped him remain two points ahead of Auskir Berryman who continues to improve each week with Phil Mahon only one point away but scoring nine super centres on the day.

          Next week is the second round of the W Cutler Cup at 500 yards.

S Williams 97.8 (3) 100,
G Shepherd 97.6 (3) 100,
G S Willis 116.6 (3.5) 100,
A Berryman 114.6 (9.5) 100,
P Mahon 113.9 (7) 100,
G Bright 96.7 (1) 97,
J Coghill 83.2 (12) 95.

by Geoff Willis

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 02, 2020