Weekly Review 31/12/2016

Weekly Review 31/12/2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 31 December 2016 N Rutherford Memorial Trophy, 800yards

             Well they turned up but took one look at the weather conditions (wind as in last week and heat as in top of summer) and vacated the range at a gallop. A few with less sense than is good for them stayed and suffered a torment of similar proportions to last week.

             Our State and National reps again led the way but they were not immune from the battering that the lesser lights sustained. Nick Cock found starting a real problem with 3 inner fours in his first four shots and then squeezed an inner between two centre bull's eyes to finish. He went one worse in his second stage both in his centre tally and the fact that he joined the plebs with a magpie in his 46.03 but it gave him a Cock of the Walk winning 92.07.
             Geoff Willis on the other hand made a right mess of his first stage starting and finishing with inner fours amongst a number of bulls eye fives, just four shots hitting inside the 6 point ring. Willis' second stage was a delight to see (and hear) as he gave a running shot for shot commentary from the mound. There were a number of whistles and snorts and the occasional expletive as he cobbled together a rather amazing 59.2 to take out the F-class COW.
             Gordon Shepherd and John Coghill went head to head in the first stage in what can only be described as a poor attempt at target shooting. Coghill's two outer start and Shepherd's two magpies with not a single bull's eye saw both somehow snag a centre as they sprayed the target. Shepherd's second stage was a little better except that he repeated his two magpie first stage but he did manage to finish with three centres in his last four shots.
             Coghill's second dig was a disaster as he scratched about on the mound like an old chook, changing his sling settings several times as he tried a different coat, but just could not get settled. He somehow managed two centre bull's eyes in a stage that included every score in the book except a zero.
             One feels sorry for Colin Howell who joined the club just prior to the race shutdown when the weather was cold, wet and miserable. He continued after the shutdown in high summer conditions and he has battled the wind at almost every outing since. His first stage effort was top class except for one bad shot but the second stage was a real mishmash of outers, magpies, and inners in the impossible conditions.

             Willis won the N Rutherford Memorial Trophy, 2 points ahead of Cock.
             Next week is the 900 yard Championship range and the T W Willman Cup.

G S Willis FSA 111.3 (3 ¾) 95 ¾
N Cock TRA 92.07 (1 ¾) 93 ¾
C Howell FSB 94.2 (12) 88 ¼
G Shepherd TRA 83.04 (3) 86
J Coghill TRB 74.03 (12) 83

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 01, 2017