Weekly Review 31/12/2022

Weekly Review 31/12/2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 31st December 2022, L Williams Cup 500 yards.

          Saturday again provided some excellent weather for the second round of the L Williams Cup from 500 yards with the slight south to south easterly breeze continually stopping or swinging to come from the south west proving just enough to catch out those shooters not watching the mirage closely.

          Graeme Bright easily accounted for top spot in Target Rifle class with a consistent day’s scoring followed by Dennis Lavelle who improved considerably with his second stage score to stay ahead of John Coghill for the day.

          F Class shooter Geoff Willis learned from an early error to watch the mirage closely finishing with a possible second stage score to top the field although Col Howell looked the one to watch after a great first stage possible but unfortunately fell short with his second stage score. Auskir Berryman also started well to then fall back with his second stage score finishing just ahead of steady scoring by Mal Wright. Jeff Eppleston was next accounting for Phil Mahon by one super centre as they traded scores for the day with Dave Butler one point away finishing his second stage with a run of super centres leaving Graham Willis wondering why his second stage group had grown in size.

          Next Saturday 7th January will be the final round of the L Williams Cup from 600 yards.

Geoff Willis

D Butler 111.4 (10) 100,
G S Willis 119.9 (.75) 99.92,
A Berryman 114.5 (4.5) 99.5,
C Howell 115.6 (3.25) 99.08,
M Wright 113.4 (4.5) 98.67,
P Mahon 112.7 (5.5) 98.33,
D Lavelle 87.3 (11.25) 98.25,
G Bright 96.10 (1) 97,
J Eppleston 112.8 (2.5) 95.83,
J Coghill 81.1 (12) 93,
G P Willis 106.1 (1.75) 90.08.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 03, 2023