
Weekly Review 22/12/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 23, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 22nd December 2018, Diggers and G James Cups (Round two), 600yards. It started out as a Christmas gift to shooters as the gentle southeaster wandered through the trees on the left of the range However that was not to be as one by one competitors were forced to admit failure due to a multitude of problems visited on themselves through reloading errors and wrong equipment choices. The first stage was a good one for early TR shooters but not so for all. John Coghill and Graeme Bright set the tone with 48.03 each followed by Gordon Shepherd on 47.02 but almost indiscernible changes to wind strength thwarted their efforts to post the elusive possible. Steve Williams (44.03) got lost in the shifts whilst Ron Gibson got confused with his rear sight choices and had to retire.

Weekly Review 15/12/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 16, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 15th December 2018, Diggers and G James Cups (Round two), 500yards. This years’ start to summer has been a little different in that the breezes and mirages have come from some unusual corners of the range. Little or no wind is not the usual feast dished up to shooters coming into Bathurst’s windiest month but that is what has been presented to shooters for the past two weeks. The first shooters on the mound found conditions to their liking as the easterly breeze filtered through the trees, but as it swung around to the north the resulting rear fishtail created a totally different set of conditions.

Weekly Review 08/12/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 09, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 8th December 2018, Diggers and G James Cups (Round two), 300yards It’s only eight days into summer and the heat has already arrived making the conditions on the mound on Saturday very uncomfortable. Fortunately there was little wind and surprisingly not a lot of mirage to think about as the flags displayed no interest in moving away from the flag poles. The target rifle group sprang a surprise with B graders Dennis Lavelle and John Coghill setting the standard, dropping just the one point each in their first stages. Gordon Shepherd still running his new barrel in had a 48.02, Steve Williams dropped his last two shots for a 46.02 and Graeme Bright querying his wind settings jagged a magpie three in his 45.03;

Hanson Corporate Xmas Shoot 2018

Posted in General Shooting News on Dec 09, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 4th December 2018 Hanson Corporate Xmas Shoot Corporate day on the Mound Hanson Concrete recently staged a corporate team building day for plant and quarry managers from across the central west. Bathurst Rifle Club hosted the event with participants travelling from as far away as Temora, Dubbo and east to Katoomba. The day involved an informal competition with two stages of eight shots being fired from 500yds. For most competitors this would be the first time that they had fired a high powered rifle or been on a rifle range. However, with Bathurst’s international team members, Geoff Willis and Jeff Eppleston on hand as coaches, everyone was able to achieve creditable scores and enjoy the day. In fact there proved to be only a ten point spread of scores over the day, and this also kept the focus on the next competitor and his or her efforts.

Weekly Review 24/11/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 25, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 24th November 2018, Diggers and G James Cups, 600yards The heavy winds created havoc on the range on Saturday but they weren’t the only hazard encountered by shooters. A plague of small black flies swarmed around shooters as they lay on the mound and with rifle in hand it was impossible to wave them off. It was a case of put up with them in your nose, eyes and mouth and try not to eat them, all the while battling a wind from the west with gusts between 10 to 40 kilometers per hour and every number between in an unrelenting battering.