
Weekly Review 10/11/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 11, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 10th November 2018, Diggers and G James Cups, 500yards. A warm sunny Saturday afternoon was just to order for shooters at the first of the Championship ranges after an eight week break. Some good scores were achieved, none better than those by Steve Williams who honed in on the centre bull’s eye almost from the first shot, converting all four sighters, three of which were centre bull’s eyes.

Weekly Review 03/11/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 04, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 3rd November 2018, Diggers and G James Cups, 300yards The eagerly awaited reopening of the range was well attended and shooters grasped the day with gusto. Despite a gusty west to south westerly the short 300 yard range held few fears and almost 50 % of competitors shot up to or better than their handicaps. There were some excellent shoots but none better than tyro Nick Webster. After sorting out his reloading technique and using a light 69 grain projectile Webster had a moderate first stage 54.1 but finished off with the top F-class stage of the day, a 59.7. Webster’s stage seemed to inspire a number of shooters from both target rifle and F-class ranks to try to emulate his deeds.

Bathurst Rifle Club Annual OPM 2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Oct 29, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 2018 Annual Open Championships. 27/28 October 2018 The Championships this year threw up a set of conditions not seen for many years, even on a weekly club basis. Instead of the sunny day and gusty winds presented to shooters at the Saturday practice session, Sunday was still and overcast. Just a whisper of breeze from the east to north east quarter masked a treacherous mirage which grew more dangerous as the temperature went past the comfortable stage. The disappointing attendance of just 40 shooters was cancelled out by the closeness of the competition. At the onset of shooting the overcast conditions kept the temperature down and the total lack of wind presented shooters with a great canvas on which to display their talents - and this, many did.

Weekly Review 01/09/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Sep 02, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 1st September 2018, W & J Brown Consolation Trophy, 600yards Saturday’s final shoot for the 2018 season was the W & J Brown Consolation Trophy at 600 yards and if you hadn’t already won a trophy in 2018 it wasn’t the best day to start trying with the windy season that we have had continuing unabated. The gusty westerly wind thwarted any chance of an easy shoot. Gordon Shepherd, saving his new barrel till next year, persevered with the old “worn out” barrel and shot a healthy 49.01/50 to set the standard. Steve Williams with no such impediment fired a 48.05 and Graeme Bright found the gusts a little too much scoring just 46.02.

Weekly Review 25/08/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 28, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 25th Aug 2018, W & J Brown Shield, 900yards The final range of the W & J Brown Shield was abandoned due to the inclement weather on Saturday 25th and the trophy was decided on the results of the previous 700 and 800 yard ranges. Gordon Shepherd with a brilliant 800 yard shoot snatched the win from Geoff Willis by a mere ¼ of a point with Colin Howell just ½ a point further back. The final trophy of the 2018 season will be the W & J Brown Consolation Trophy the competition for which is reserved for shooters who have not won a trophy during the year. The “Conso” will be held next Saturday 1st September on the 600 yard range. This will be the final shoot for the 2018 season because of the motor racing shutdown.