
Weekly Review 26/05/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 27, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 26th May 2018, Secretary’s Trophy, 900yards The 2017-18 Club Championship concluded on an almost perfect autumn day with Nick Cock and Geoff Willis being crowned Club Champion Target Rifle and Club Champion F-Class. These awards completed a great year for the pair who have excelled in local, state and international events. Whilst the 900 yard range was quite benign, particularly since it was so close to the winter doldrums, scores were reasonably good with most shooting on or close to their handicaps. Cock, who is relocating to the NSW central coast was having one of his final club shoots on the Bathurst Range and went out with a top scoring 98.12 to put icing on the cake. Willis also excelled with 116.5 (for a 100% handicap score) to win the F class Cock of the Walk.

Weekly Review 19/05/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 20, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 19th May 2018, I Hughes & R Northcott Trophies, 700yards The day began with sunshine and a steady westerly breeze. That is, until the first shooters settled on the mound, the breeze then became stronger, gusty and switching, destroying any plans of improving scores on the final 700 yard range of the club championship. Again, Nick Cock showed why he's the clear leader in the Target Rifle discipline of the club championship getting through his first stage with only a minor blemish, scoring 49.2. Followed by

Weekly Review 05/05/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 07, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 5th May 2018, L Williams Cup, 500yards Saturday's shoot was held in fine weather with a switching and at times gusty breeze that seemed to play more havoc with shooters than it should have. Nick Cock was the only Target Rifle shooter to get through the first stage unscathed with a masterful display, scoring a 50.7 possible, followed by Gordon Shepherd 48.3, Dennis Lavelle 44.2 and Darren Crimston 44.1. In F Class, for the second week in a row, Ben Wright was leading after the first stage with a 57.4 with Colin Howell as his nearest competitor on 55.4 and the rest of the field scoring in the low 50's.

Weekly Review 28/04/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 29, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 28th April 2018, L Williams Cup, 300yards This week’s 300 yard shoot was conducted on a cool, overcast day that began with a mild westerly broken by the tree line along the left flank of the range and looked promising to be a high scoring day. As is becoming the norm on the Bathurst Range, looks proved to be deceiving with one shooter after the other falling foul to the flickering breeze. In target rifle Gordon Shepherd appeared to have it mastered from his first shot in the centre bull ring until dropping 2 points in his last 3 shots to finish with a first stage 48-2. Dennis Lavelle, after several months break due to injury and his first shoot on the clubs new electronic targets, shot a very credible 48-5.

Weekly Review 14/04/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 15, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 14th April 2018, Captains Trophy 800yards Wind, the bane of all target shooters, struck with a vengeance on Saturday as a strong westerly gusted across the range and persisted all day. There was virtually no light spot nor period of constancy as the wind moved the projectiles around like pieces of paper. Whilst Bathurst Rifle Range regularly suffers from windy days it is rare to see wind of such ferocity and constancy. Nick Cock was again the standout but even he was caught out on two occasions when the gusts became more urgent. Cock shot an excellent 98.07, easily outpointing his rivals, with Steve Williams, although showing some control falling for the three card trick with a magpie three on his first counting shot and a magpie on his last counting shot, settling for a 92.07.