Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 14/04/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 15, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 14th April 2018, Captains Trophy 800yards Wind, the bane of all target shooters, struck with a vengeance on Saturday as a strong westerly gusted across the range and persisted all day. There was virtually no light spot nor period of constancy as the wind moved the projectiles around like pieces of paper. Whilst Bathurst Rifle Range regularly suffers from windy days it is rare to see wind of such ferocity and constancy. Nick Cock was again the standout but even he was caught out on two occasions when the gusts became more urgent. Cock shot an excellent 98.07, easily outpointing his rivals, with Steve Williams, although showing some control falling for the three card trick with a magpie three on his first counting shot and a magpie on his last counting shot, settling for a 92.07.

Weekly Review 07/04/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 08, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 7th April 2018, K Redding 700 yards, Championship and QVM 700yards It was high summer in the middle of autumn and visitors from Lithgow and Lyndhurst picked a bad day to try out the 700 yard range with weather conditions at their diabolical worst. A light breeze which started the day as a north easterly swung 180 degrees to the south west, at times even due south before finally settling as a gusty westerly. The hot dry conditions produced a mirage which joined the fluctuating breeze to set up an almost impossible set of shooting conditions. That is for all bar Nick Cock whose 100.07 was 8 points better than his nearest rival and confounded all who watched his mastery over the impossible.

Weekly Review 24/03/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 26, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 24th March 2018, W Cutler Cup, Championship and QVM, 600yards The weather conditions were almost perfect with just a whisper of breeze, nominally from the west, and the light was bright and even. But almost from the first shot it became apparent that there was something disturbing the serenity of the day. It’s not unusual on such a day for shooters to hone right in on the bull’s eye from the first shot but this was not the case as many competitors took more than their two sighters to centre on the target.

Weekly Review 17/03/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 18, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 17th March 2018, W Cutler Cup, 500yards Saturday had that summery feel with a hot gusty wind swinging in an arc from northwest to a head on southerly. With the obstructions in its path (Mount Panorama western ridge and the SSAA mounds) the wind swirled about the range in a very haphazard way. It was a nightmare trying to pick the strength let alone direction of the breeze as the flags flopped about in all directions at the same time. Phil Mahon our newest member showed everyone that he will be a presence in the trophy competitions in the months to come by easily out shooting the best of his F class competitors, dropping just two points in a first stage 58.2.

Weekly Review 10/03/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 11, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 10th March 2018, W Cutler Cup, 300yards Another warm mild Saturday with the conditions for target shooting seemingly excellent but it was not as they first appeared. A light easterly breeze filtering through the stand of trees on the left of the range and the bright sun set the range up for another day of mirages. Colin Howell who is becoming a short range specialist started with a bang laying on a 60.2 possible. Jeff Eppleston looked to be on song to also go clear until a gust of wind put a magpie three on his score card. No one else threatened the possible as the left breeze turned into a forward fishtail keeping scores well in check.