About Us

Bathurst Rifle Club (BRC) is located on Mt Panorama, Bathurst, NSW, Australia. Established in approximately 1864 as the Bathurst Militia, it was then inaugurated into the New South Wales Rifle Association in the early 1870’s, in 1992 BRC was incorporated.

BRC caters for Long Range Target shooting most Saturdays from 1:00pm.

Visitors are always welcome! Come try your scoped sporting rifle at 300yds or the clubs 308Win. or 223Rem. rifle at any range. Bathurst Rifle Range has firing points located from 300 to 900 yards.

Bathurst Rifle Club members compete in Target Rifle F class and Sporter club competitions.

BRC Shoots the following classes and are fired from the prone position:

Normal Saturday afternoon club competition comprises 2x stages of 2 sighters and ten counting shots:

Thank you for visiting.
If you have any further questions you can message us on Facebook