
Weekly Review 13/07/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 16, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 13th July 2024, 700/800 yards, Series 1 Match 4/5. Saturday 29th June saw Series 1 Match 4 held from the 700 yards shooting mound in slightly difficult conditions with just three shooters achieving results to their range handicap. Target Rifle shooter Les Fraser top scored the class followed by Gordon Shepherd while Dennis Lavelle had Sporter Class wrapped up for the day. Col Howell top scored F Standard Class just ahead of Phil Mahon with Mal Wright taking honours in F Open Class ahead of Ben Wright. Saturday 13th July saw Match 5 of the Series held in cold conditions from 800 yards with a mostly steady slight south easterly breeze offering good shooting conditions which allowed most shooters to score better than their range handicap on the day.

Weekly Review 22/06/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 24, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th&22nd June 2024, 5&600 yards, Series 1 Match 2&3. Saturday 15th June saw shooting return at 500 yards for the second round of Series 1 for the 2024-2025 season with a return of the good shooting conditions experienced lately allowing the majority of shooters to score above their range handicap. Graeme Bright top scored Target Rifle Class ahead of Gordon Shepherd who has just returned to shooting after a short break. Sporter Class was again topped by James Clarke who has been shooting very well while Dennis Lavelle has lifted his game lately and finished just a few centre bulls away in second place. Col Howell again topped the F Standard Class shooters losing just one point for the day ahead of Phil Mahon while in F Open Class Gary Cafe continued his great results also losing just one point on the day ahead of Mal wright.

Weekly Review 01/06/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 05, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 1st June 2024, 300 yards, Series 1 Match 1. Saturday’s overcast weather with very little breeze gave all shooters the opportunity to achieve good scores for Series 1 Match 1 at 300 yards to start the 2024-2025 season. Most of the sixteen shooters scored above or very near to their handicaps with the three visitors also achieving great results. Visiting Target rifle shooter Les Fraser soon showed what he is capable of with a double possible scored for the day ahead of Graeme Bright and then John Coghill. The rapidly growing Sporter Class shooters were led by James Clarke who again topped it with another double possible just one point ahead of Dennis Lavelle who has stepped up his results lately while new shooter to the class Andrew Higgins did well finishing a couple of points away next. Tristan Hughes has been improving his results lately also and finished next in class ahead of Ben Hawkey.

Weekly Review 25/05/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 28, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 18 & 25th May 2024, 5 & 600 yards, Series 4 Match 6. Saturday 18th May saw the completion of Series 4 Match 5 from 500 yards with a good attendance of shooters including two new club members who have recently commenced long range target shooting in the Sporter Class discipline. Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams top scored the class on the day ahead of Graeme Bright. James Clarke again scored a double possible shooting in Sporter Class with Dennis Lavelle nearest a few points away and new shooter Tristan Hughes just one centre bull behind. F Standard Class was led by Col Howell having a good result ahead of Jeff Eppleston. Recent convert to F Open Class Garry Cafe topped the class with a good second stage result ahead of Mal Wright.

Weekly Review 11/05/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 14, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 11th May 2024, 300 yards, Series 4 Match 4. Saturday’s last 300 yards event for the year was again held in overcast weather with the occasional shower of rain during the afternoon but the use of club awnings again proved their value in allowing the day to proceed. The occasionally variable easterly breeze was again difficult to read due to the wet flags although most shooters stage scores were consistent during the afternoon giving reasonable results. Graeme Bright top scored the Target Rifle shooters for the day staying one point ahead of Steve Williams with John Coghill next in the group. James Clarke again excelled in Sporter Class losing just one point during his first stage while accumulating sixteen centre bulls, next in the class was Dave Hughes who finished just two points behind for his first experience of target shooting with his son Tristan Hughes next in the class.