Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 01/01/2022

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 05, 2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 1st January 2022 L Williams Cup 300 yards. Saturday’s warm clear day brought many shooters out for the start of the year and the first stage of the L Williams Cup at 300 yards. The light breeze with mirage showing early in the afternoon was difficult enough to result in most shooters losing at least one or two points each stage, some of the F Class shooters may have enjoyed better sighting later when the mirage eased. Steve Williams started the day reasonably well in his first stage which kept him in the top spot followed by Gordon Shepherd who picked up points later on to finish three points behind. John Coghill never quite settled his shots near the middle although his second stage was an improvement with Dennis Lavelle a point away with similar results.

Weekly Review 18/12/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 20, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 18th December 2021, Captains Trophy 900 yards. Saturdays Captains Trophy shoot from 900 yards saw a very warm day that kept a few shooters away but the weather early in the day eased a bit later and with the awnings erected over the shooting points it was much more enjoyable to compete. A predominately light west to north westerly breeze varied from approximately 4 kph to occasional gusts up to 12 kph proving difficult to read for most although there was some steady patches later in the day. Graeme Bright resumed his normal abilities for the day with a standout Target Rifle score in the conditions to lead next best Gordon Shepherd by fourteen points with Ron Gibson another two points away followed by Charlie Bennett who had to shoot his second stage with several unfortunate distractions.

Weekly Review 11/12/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 20, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 11th December 2021, K Redding 700 yards Trophy. A return to the shooting program after several weeks off saw a good roll up of shooters for the K Redding 700 yards Trophy event held on the 11th December. The moderate west to north westerly breeze continued to swing while increasing strength and dropping off again during the afternoon, varying from about 6 to 18 kph with a heavy mirage early in the afternoon to make for a challenging days competition. Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams was the standout leading the field for the day losing only two points while scoring nine centre bulls, Graeme Bright followed next but with a couple of wayward shots during his first stage cost too many points. Charlie Bennett showed all what he is capable of with a personal best stage score and we all look forward to when he strings two good stages together for the day, John Coghill finished next followed by Dennis Lavelle.

Weekly Review 30/10/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 01, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 30th October 2021, W Cutler Cup 600 yards. Saturday saw the W Cutler Cup competition held over just the 600 yards range due mostly to the effect of Covid restrictions. It was great to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine but the extremely variable wind conditions put the good scores shooters may have liked out of reach as the breeze continually and unpredictably shifted direction from a stronger westerly to an easing southerly and at times just swinging from the east as it almost lost all strength. Target Rifle shooter Graeme Bright managed best in the difficult conditions although not scoring as highly as is normal with Gordon Shepherd following three points away. Ron Gibson finished next best just three more points down with Charlie Bennett finishing just two points away achieving a great result in the tricky conditions.

Weekly Review 23/10/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Oct 25, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 23rd October 2021, J Wilde Memorial & K Redding Trophies 900 yards. After the previous weeks practise round at 600 yards the Bathurst Rifle Club resumed their shooting program at 800 yards on Saturday morning before moving to 900 yards after lunch. Unfortunately due to some technical problems with the scoring during the morning the 800 yard scores could not be included for the day’s competition. The wind conditions after lunch had changed considerably from a slightly switching mirage in the morning to a mostly north to north-westerly breeze that lifted to approximately 14 kph at times then easing right back to almost nothing on occasion to slightly increase the difficulty at the longer range.