Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 14/08/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 16, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 14th August 2021, Gilmour Cup 500 yards. Saturdays 500 yard round of the Gilmour Cup promised to be a great day for shooting with little movement in the flags from the light northerly breeze that intermittently swung slightly from the west and very occasionally slightly from the east. The outstanding Target Rifle shooter for the day was again Steve Williams dropping just two points for the afternoon and claiming ten centre bulls to lead John Coghill and Gordon Shepherd by five points with John finding the bull’s eye ring hard to score while claiming nine centre bulls.

Weekly Review 07/08/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 09, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 7th August 2021, N Rutherford Memorial Trophy 800 yards & T W Willman Trophy 900 yards. Saturday’s early start to shooting perhaps should have been earlier given the good roll up of shooters to contest both the 800 yards and 900 yards competition shoots held on the day. The flags were showing plenty to think about as soon as they were raised in the morning with the west to south westerly breeze blowing between 10 to 20 kph while continually swinging in direction giving only a few breaks of steadiness more often later in the afternoon. Shooters were pleased with the new firing point surfaces they had been looking forward to using although some will improve as the turf surface surrounding the main area settles. At 800 yards Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams saw no problem with the conditions dropping just one point late in his first stage and finishing with a possible to take the honours seven points ahead of Dennis Lavelle and Graeme Bright.

Weekly Review 31/07/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 02, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 31st July 2021, Gilmour Cup 300 Yards. Saturday saw the start of competition for the historic Gilmour Cup presented in 1910 by R L Gilmour Esq. and with a much improved temperature and weather during the afternoon to the previous week most club members came along to enjoy the shoot. A predominately Northerly breeze which often swung slightly to the northwest or sometimes almost swung to the east as it picked up in strength kept shooters watching the conditions and scores mostly a little lower. Target rifle shooter Gordon Shepherd got straight to work scoring the only possible of the day in his first stage and take the honours for the day over Steve Williams by three centre bulls with Steve dropping just one point at each stage. Ron Gibson may not have expected to score as well as he did but with a great second stage score he finished just two points behind the leaders and six points ahead of Graeme Bright who seems to be struggling with a change of ammunition. Dennis Lavelle made up points with a much improved second stage to finish the day another two points behind and ahead of John Coghill who had no luck with the conditions either stage. Charlie Bennett continues to work on setting up his gear and managed to score four centre bulls during the day’s competition.

Weekly Review 10/07/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 12, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 10th July 2021, Diggers & G James Cups 500 Yards. The fifth round of the Diggers & G James Cups was contested on Saturday at 500 yards and after some delays in getting the targets set up shooting did not commence until after the cloud cover had taken over and the temperature had dropped noticeably. Just a very slight southerly breeze ran predominately directly at the shooters with an occasional swing to slightly south east or south west giving opportunities for some good scoring and although no double possibles were gained there was a few single stage possibles scored with many shooting better than handicap.

Weekly Review 03/07/2021

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 07, 2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 3rd July 2021, Diggers & G James Cups 300 Yards. The fourth round of the Diggers & G James Cups was contested on Saturday at 300 yards with a mild north westerly breeze that was only occasionally steady before it changed angle again to give a reasonable degree of difficulty. Only one Target Rifle shooter scored to their handicap on the day but Steve Williams again shot well to lead the group only dropping three points for the afternoon closely followed by Graeme Bright a further two points in arrears. John Coghill seemed to keep his cool while managing poor extraction with his rifle to finish next down the list with Ron Gibson trying hard to make up lost points with a good second stage shoot. Charlie Bennett improved in his second stage although unfortunately his only centre bull was his non counting first sighter.