
Weekly Review 29/06/2019

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 30, 2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 29th June 2019. 700yds. C R Kelly Cup. Saturday’s sunshine brought a good number of shooters out to play and with a couple of visitors again trying out it was quite busy for the afternoon. A light to moderate breeze persisted most of the day swinging from a north westerly through to slightly from the north east on some occasions to reverse the direction of mirage. All the while the strength continually varied up and down from approximately 5kph to 16 kph contributing to a greater than normal vertical dispersion of shots at times as well as the usual horizontal caused by drops in strength and angle changes. Although this made for one of the most difficult wind reading days seen at the range for some time a couple of shooters managed to get through without suffering the lost points that most did.

Weekly Review 22/06/2019

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 27, 2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 22nd June 2019. 600yds. FA Wilde Trophy. Saturday saw the second round of the 2020 Club Championship series and the third and final round of the FA Wilde Trophy which has been contested over the last three weeks at 300, 500 & 600 yards. Several shooters have been away training with the FTR development squad for the next F Class world championships to be held in South Africa in 2021 and also contesting the National Championships held in Brisbane last week. Although the weather has been cold several visitors have attended over the last two Saturdays to try out long range target shooting with some achieving quite good scores for their efforts. Saturday 15th at 500 yards. In TR class Gordon Shepherd and Dennis Lavelle battled it out for the day’s honours with Gordon holding a two centre bull advantage. Graeme Bright finished one point off the lead in next place with Ron Gibson a few more points away.

Weekly Review 08/06/2019

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 09, 2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 8st June 2019. 300yds. FA Wilde Trophy. Saturday gave us some excellent weather to grab a good score on the tight 300 yard target with a slight westerly breeze barely giving enough to push the shots into the bullseye 5 ring. The overcast but dry afternoon gave shooters a good sight picture with only a hint of mirage showing on the target. In F Class Graham Willis again got straight to work showing the others what could be obtained with consistency and gained the days CoW with a three point’s margin over Col Howell who could not keep them where he wanted in the first stage but tried hard to make up for it with the day’s best F Class stage for his second. Geoff Willis struggled to keep his shots centred vertically all day and seemed to give up trying by the end.

Weekly Review 01/06/2019

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 02, 2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 1st June 2019. 800yds. Secretary’s Trophy. Saturday saw the first official day of winter and the last round of competition for the Bathurst Rifle Club 2019 shooting year with another magnificent day. Sunshine and only a few clouds about later in the afternoon with a mostly steady south east breeze that only occasionally pushed at about 6-8 k/h. Shooters could have expected a decent score for the day and most were rewarded accordingly.

Weekly Review 25/05/2019

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 29, 2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 25th May 2019. 900yds. Secretary’s Trophy. We had another magnificent day to be outdoors on Saturday with a west to slightly north-westerly breeze at about 14 k/h early in the afternoon and 10 k/h later on with the occasional steady period followed by a bit of a swing to the north as it dropped in strength. It was possible at times to get lucky with a steady patch and a few were able to capitalise on that period.