
Weekly Review 29/07/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 30, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 29th July 2017, J Sibera Trophy, 600yards Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis had their last hit out before they depart with the Australian F-Class team to compete in the ICFRA F-Class World Championships and the Canadian National Championships beginning on 8th August at the Connaught Range in Ottawa, Canada. Eppleston as a competitor and Willis as a Coach will represent Australia at the Championships. Both shooters have won selection after an exhaustive selection process and their excellent performances in State Championships over the past three years. The Bathurst Rifle Club wishes them well as they carry on the strong tradition of BRC members representing both NSW and Australia, here and abroad.

Weekly Review 22/07/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 23, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 22nd July 2017, J Sibera Trophy 500yards A cold morning followed by a mild afternoon greeted shooters on Saturday and a gentle westerly breeze with some variation in strength and direction produced enough nuances to make shooters question their thoughts and actions. The first stage was the most difficult but the conditions moderated as the afternoon wore on. Target Rifle competitors handled the conditions better than the F-class group even with their scopes and rests. Gordon Shepherd produced the best first stage just missing his possible by one point courtesy of a last shot inner four as both Nick Cock and Graeme Bright dropped two points apiece. John Coghill did better than he has for a while with 47.02, but Dennis Lavelle and Ron Gibson struggled.

Weekly Review 15/07/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 16, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 15th July 2017, J Sibera Trophy, 300yards It was back to the short ranges on Saturday as shooters commenced the J Sibera Trophy at 300 yards. For some the short ranges are irresistible and a high score is almost guaranteed. For others the small centre bulls’ eyes bring a touch of the wobbles and a few miserable moments on the mound. The light westerly breeze wasn’t unreadable but it still played on shooters minds as one by one they muffed their chances. F-class or target rifle, the story was the same with few able to concentrate their shots inside the bulls’ eye ring. Inner fours were the favorite number although a magpie or three found their way onto the scorecards of more than one competitor.

Weekly Review 08/07/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 09, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 8th July 2017, C R Kelly Cup & K Redding 8/900 yards, 900yards The first of several rounds of the Club Championship was completed on Saturday with the conclusion of the C R Kelly Cup and K Redding 8/900 yard trophies. The weather was overcast with a stiff breeze from the west but didn’t appear to present too great an impost on shooters. Appearances however can be deceptive and for most, the day became very frustrating, if not comical, as shot after shot disappeared into the outer reaches of the target. Magpies threes were very common and outer two’s showed up on several scorecards. At the conclusion of the shoot competitors were still scratching their heads wondering what spell the weather had cast on the range. There was of course one exception, and it was no surprise that Club Champion Nick Cock showed all the attributes which sees him regularly representing Australia. Cocks’ shooting is a level above his fellow club members and he showed this again with a masterly display in the difficult conditions dropping just two points and scoring centre bulls’ eyes at a rate of one every two shots.

Weekly Review 01/07/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 02, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 1st July 2017, C R Kelly Cup & K Redding 8/900 yard Trophy, 800yards Saturday saw the return of several members who contested the National Rifle Association of Australia Championships in Brisbane last week. Nick Cock was the most successful finishing the Queens Prize with a run of four possibles to sneak in with a 30th badge. Ben Wright also won a badge in the F Std B grade division but Graeme Bright who started so well with 7 possibles in the first two days of shooting to be just one point down and in 10th place dropped another 5 points on the final day to fall out of the badges. Steve Williams had a run of 5 possibles to be well in contention for a badge before a last range meltdown put him out of badge country. Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis were hoping to put in a good showing and gain a little confidence before departing for Canada in August were never in the race for a badge let alone a win in the FTR division.