Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 11/07/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 12, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 11th July 2020, 500 yards Diggers & G James Cups. Saturday again saw a great attendance of shooters for the fifth stage of the diggers & G James Cups from 500 yards. A somewhat steady westerly breeze still managed to catch those not wary enough but the cool and overcast weather made for very good sighting with a rare lack of visible mirage allowing many shooters to score above their average. The standout Target Rifle shooter was again Graeme Bright leading the day with only one point lost while scoring ten centre bulls and a second stage possible to finish two points ahead of Steve Williams with eight centre bulls and a second stage possible.

Weekly Review 04/07/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 05, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 4th July 2020, 300 yards Diggers & G James Cups. A full complement of the regular shooters came along for the fourth stage of the Diggers & G James Cups Competition last Saturday shooting from 300 yards. A cold breeze from the west to south west only settled for short periods and mostly varied continuously in strength and direction to catch most shooters with a drop off or a gust at least once. In Target Rifle Graeme Bright continued his consistent form of late to finish one point ahead of the trio Gordon Shepherd, Ron Gibson and Steve Williams with Shepherd claiming the highest count of centre bulls for the day and Gibson finishing with the best stage shoot for the day.

Weekly Review 27/06/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 28, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 27th June 2020, 600 yards Diggers & G James Cups. A fine but cool day with a rear fishtail breeze greeted shooters for the first 600-yard range of the Club Championship and Diggers and G James Cups. There did not appear to be much in the conditions although there were some flutters in the breeze, but for the most part scores were quite good. Geoff Willis was the only one able to take full advantage with a 60.4 possible to set up a 3-point break from the rest of his F-class opponents. Col Howell 57.3 and Phil Mahon 57.1 were his nearest competitors while Jeff Eppleston 55.0 and Nick Webster 54.1 completed the balance of the field.

Weekly Review 20/06/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 21, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 20th June 2020, 500 yards Diggers & G James Cups. Saturdays first Championship range of the 2020-21 Championship year and the second of 6 ranges of the Diggers and G James Cups was held in mild conditions, although a little chilly, and with just a whisper of a breeze coming in from the west north west. The outstanding performance of the day was turned in by Gordon Shepherd in target rifle who really wound back the clock with a vintage 100.11 possible.

Weekly Review 13/06/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 16, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 13th June 2020, 300 yards Diggers & G James Cups. Saturday saw a return to 300 yards for the start of the 2020-21 Trophy competition year with the Diggers and G James Cups series. A mostly light and variable breeze from the North West may have indicated some good scores to be possible if all else went well for shooters. Of the Target Rifle shooters most scored above their handicap in the conditions with Steve Williams narrowly leading Graeme Bright for top spot by one centre bull with John Coghill next scoring a great result just a few centre bulls behind in the group of three shooters only three points for the day.