Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 15/08/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 16, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th August 2020, Gilmour Cup 500 yard. Although Saturday afternoon was not a good time to be outdoors with the westerly wind getting colder during the day and bringing some light rain through with it most available club members came along to compete for the second round of the Gilmour Cup from 500 yards. New shooter Auskir Berryman again kindly brought along his awnings which made shooting much more comfortable with some cover from the weather. The conditions were not easy in the moderate to strong breeze but a couple of the clubs top shooters managed some excellent scores.

Weekly Review 08/08/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 10, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 8th August 2020, 800 yards N Rutherford Memorial Trophy, 900 yards T W Willman Cup. Last Saturday Bathurst Rifle Club had an early start to the day enabling competition from 800 yards for the N Rutherford Memorial Trophy then after lunch from 900 yards for the T W Willman Cup. This was also the final round of the K Harvey Trophy which was contested over all ranges during the last six weeks. Due to the light rain that appeared to be coming through the 900 yards competition was started straight after the completion of 800 and all had finished in time for a late lunch well before mid-afternoon. The sometimes steady but often unpredictable breeze became reasonably strong at times as it swung from either side of a north westerly direction and after some dampening of the flags became more difficult to handle.

Weekly Review 01/08/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 02, 2020

Saturday saw the club return to 300 yards again for the first round of the Gilmour Cup with the wind flags again not showing too much movement in the sunshine with only an occasional light breeze that varied from southwest to southeast during the afternoon accompanied by some light mirage. Graeme Bright was the last Target Rifle shooter down but he soon showed what was possible in the class starting off without losing a point and only conceding one point later in the afternoon to hold onto top score for the afternoon with a four point lead over Gordon Shepherd who lost a few points in the changing conditions. Ron Gibson started off reasonably with his first stage but lost momentum later on to finish another four points down with John Coghill finishing next down the list after also trailing in his second stage. Dennis Lavelle may have stayed middle of the pack but for a couple of sighting errors that cost the loss of ten points in total during his first stage of the day.

Weekly Review 25/07/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 27, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 25th July 2020, 700 yards. W Northcott Memorial Trophy. The expected rain last Saturday was slow to arrive allowing all shooters to complete the day’s competition for the W Northcott Memorial Trophy, K Harvey Trophy and the first 700 yards round of this year’s Club Championship. The overcast weather and an almost complete lack of wind appeared to offer an opportunity for some good scores but there must have been some gremlins at play as almost all shooters were not able to capitalise on the conditions.

Weekly Review 18/07/2020

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 20, 2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 18th July 2020, 600 yards Diggers & G James Cups. Last Saturday again attracted a good field of club members for the final round of the Diggers & G James Cups competition which has been contested over the last six weeks and finishing at 600 yards. Saturday was also another Club Championship round and the third stage of the K Harvey Trophy on mostly sunny day with very slight breeze that varied during the afternoon from easterly to westerly causing just enough difficulty to lower the average of most shooters scores.