
Weekly Review 17/09/2022

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Sep 19, 2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 17th September 2022, J Wilde Memorial Trophy & K Redding Trophy 700-900 yards. The final round of the J Wilde Memorial and the K Redding Trophies from 900 yards was held in strong west to north westerly winds on Saturday that would prove difficult for most shooters as it provided few occasions of steady conditions. Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams amazed the rest of his class dropping just one point during the afternoon to finish ten points ahead of his nearest rival Graeme Bright who did not come to terms with the conditions finishing one point ahead of Gordon Shepherd with John Coghill a few more points down.

Geoff Willis wins fourth state championships

Posted in General Shooting News on Sep 13, 2022

Geoff Willis wins fourth state championships In some of the most difficult wind conditions experienced for some time in Sydney, local rifle club member, Geoff Willis, won his fourth state title with the championships being held on Malabar rifle range last weekend. His previous three titles have been in the F Class Standard category, which allows for shooting off a heavy rest, but this time Geoff elected to compete in F Class Target Rifle, in which only a light bipod is allowed. Competition was held over three days and nine matches from 500m to 800m. The maximum value “6 ring” measures 125mm at 500m and 250mm at 800m. Wind conditions were constantly changing and at times completely switched sides. The first day started in rain to also add to the difficulty. Geoff jumped straight to the lead, shooting a magnificent 207.17 from a possible 210 points. Jeff Eppleston, also from Bathurst, was only 2 points behind, on 205.13 and in fourth place.

Weekly Review 03/09/2022

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Sep 06, 2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 3rd September 2022, J Wilde Memorial Trophy 700 yards. Saturday saw the first round of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy from 700 yards contested in a strong south easterly wind that continually swung to the south and back again making top scores extremely difficult with all shooters affected by the conditions and scoring well short of their handicaps. Steve Williams fared the best of the Target Rifle shooters after scoring well during his second stage to finish one point ahead of Graeme Bright who managed to claim eight centre bulls for the day. Gordon Shepherd crashed at the end of his second stage to finish a few points further down after a good first stage score with Charlie Bennett next picking up more points in his second stage. John Coghill lost five points to distraction in the conditions during his first stage which could not be gained later.

Weekly Review 27/08/2022

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 29, 2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 27th August 2022, Gilmour Cup 600 yards. The final round of the Gilmour Cup was held on Saturday from 600 yards in warmer weather than of late with very little to no wind to be seen during most of the afternoon and just a light breeze lifting the flags occasionally which saw most shooters score to their handicap or within one point. In Target Rifle Class Dennis Lavelle finished in front of John Coghill on the day with all other TR shooters away for the final round of the Gilmour Cup. F Class was again closely contested with Jeff Eppleston shooting consistently to get the days top spot by three super centres over Col Howell who finished the day with a solid possible score.

Weekly Review 20/08/2022

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 22, 2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 20th August 2022, Gilmour Cup 500 yards. Saturdays 500 yards round of the Gilmour Cup had shooters trying to keep their hands and heads warm in the very cool but moderate strength south westerly breeze which was often steady although rarely long enough to complete a stage. Graeme Bright was keen to make up for his misfortunes at the recent Queensland Championships and got straight to business in Target Rifle Class with a first stage possible then finishing the day in the lead with just one point lost. Gordon Shepherd improved considerably during his second stage to finish next down the list followed by John Coghill and then Dennis Lavelle who trialled a new scope in Optical Class.