Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 21/07/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 22, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 21st June 2018, J Sibera Trophy, 300yards The District Rifle Association’s weekend in Sydney saw another triumph for Bathurst shooters with the highlights being Geoff Willis’s State Champion of Champions victory and the Blue Mountains DRA winning the State DRA title with 4 of the five man team being from the Bathurst Rifle Club. Brett Bond from Perthville, who shoots with Lithgow SARC, was the fifth To add to the glory, Country, with two Bathurst RC members in the team won the City v Country match. The latest to join the winners list are Colin Howell and Ben Wright who represented Country, adding to the list of BRC members who have been successful in International, National and State events in 2018.

Weekly Review 14/07/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 15, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 14thJune 2018, C R Kelly Cup, 900yards With a large contingent from the Club away at the NSW District Rifle Association’s annual competition and the Country versus City Challenge in Sydney local attendance was somewhat subdued and the level of competition reduced. After last Saturday’s washout the weather turned on an almost perfect day for the first 900 yard range of the Club Championship. Little movement was evident in the early stages and only later in the day was any challenge introduced by the wind however the mirage played its part all day.

Weekly Review 30/06/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 01, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 30thJune 2018, C R Kelly Cup, 700yards Bathurst rifle range had its first blow for some weeks and it took its toll on all shooters with F class competitors seeming to suffer most. Graeme Bright used his experience and familiarity with the Bathurst Range to quell the F class challenge and head the handicap honours by a hefty margin of 3 %. The wind, a gusty westerly swung to the south west later in the day gusting from 5 to 10 windage points or 1 to 2 metres deviation.

Weekly Review 23/06/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 24, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 23 June 2018, F A Wilde Trophy, 600yards We may have seen the future of the Bathurst Rifle Club on Saturday with the performance of Nick Webster in a stand out shoot. Using the Club .223 scoped rifle while he tries to coordinate his newly purchased rifle with reloaded ammunition, Webster led the F class contingent from start to finish. Unfortunately by dropping a point on his last shot he missed a chance to crown his remarkable effort with a first possible spoon. It was just his tenth shoot after never having had any firearms experience until he joined the Club six months ago. Although the conditions looked relatively benign the scores did not indicate so.

Weekly Review 16/06/2018

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 17, 2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 16 June 2018, F A Wilde Trophy, 500yards The snow hadn’t arrived but the cold westerly wind certainly had and it whistled across the range with little regard to the small group of intrepid shooters who had ignored the weather forecast. Being the first of the 2018-19 Championship ranges the day took on some importance particularly as an early “keeper” takes pressure off when the conditions are less favourable. The cold wind was quite strong but fairly steady with just the occasional, albeit quick, change in strength. The day suited the F class shooters who are very quick to fire their stages thus making it less likely they will be caught out with wind changes.