Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 25/02/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 26, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 25th February 2017, J Wilde Memorial Trophy, 900yards The Bathurst Rifle Range has been at its current location since 1915 and you could probably count on one hand the number of times shooters have had to contend with the easterly conditions that they encountered on Saturday. Easterlies are not uncommon but the strength of Saturdays wind was, and all competitors were completely at a loss as to how to read the complex changes in both strength and direction. Light added to the degree of difficulty as thunderstorms circled the range and conditions became very dark.

Weekly Review 18/02/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 19, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 18th February 2017, J Wilde Memorial Trophy, 800yard Saturday saw another day of very difficult shooting conditions with everyone a little rusty after two weeks off due to motor racing and hot weather cancellations. Whilst still very warm the wind played the major role in defeating all who attempted to overcome the various challenges. Right from the first shot it was very apparent that it was going to be a nightmare trying to keep the fall of shot within the black aiming mark. And so it proved as shooter after shooter fell victim to rapid wind changes and were either blown out into the white or missed the change and were way over corrected and went into the white surrounds in the opposite direction.

Weekly Review 28/01/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 29, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 28 January 2017 R. L. Gilmour Cup, 600yards It was just another day on the Bathurst Rifle Range where the elements conspired to thwart shooters ambitions. The wind predominantly from the west varied from virtually zero windage points to upwards of eight when it squared up and was at the maximum wind gust. Once again no one was able to completely overcome all the obstacles but the cream rose to the top with Nick Cock and Geoff Willis easily taking out the Cock of the Walk in each of their disciplines. Cock was the outstanding competitor on the day just missing a double possible in each stage. His final stage started with a run of six centre bull's eyes and finished with a total of eight, for 49.08. Combined with his first stage of 49.02 Cock's tally of 98.10 was in line with his Australian team member status.

Weekly Review 21/01/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 22, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 21 January 2017 R. L. Gilmour Cup, 500yards Some normality returned to the scorecards on Saturday with a hot summers' day, swirling mirage and fickle breezes gracing the range. Nick Cock, Jeff Eppleston and Dennis Lavelle took out their relative Cocks' of the Walk with high quality performances. Cock was in fine form with a high centre count 50.07 possible in the first stage but Epplestons' one bad shot, an inner four, produced a 58.4 and Lavelle fiddled with the bull's eye ring to lose three points in his 47.03. It was a much more competitive field of shooters this week with John Coghill and Steve Williams posting 48.02's and Graeme Bright and Gordon Shepherd picking up inner fours by the pair for 46.01 apiece. In F-class Colin Howell gave the higher ranked Willis brothers the slip with a 57.3 but Geoff Willis was a little wayward throughout his shoot with a wobbly 55.4 and Grahame Willis was all over the place with a lowly 52.0.

Weekly Review 14/01/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 15, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 14 January 2017 R. L. Gilmour Cup, 300yards Saturday was the day of the underdog with some startling performances from battling B graders who took on and beat the best in the club, national and international representatives included, in both Target Rifle and F-class. The weather produced a typical summers' day with bright sunshine and a gusty south west to west wind, which was never constant. There were rapid and sudden directional changes as well as big variations in wind strength. Graeme Bright's score of 47.03 was the best of the first stage as all shooters grappled with the uncertainty of the wind gusts. Both Dennis Lavelle and Steve Williams collected magpie three's whilst Gordon Shepherd after a great start was brought undone by badly timed target maintenance. Nick Cock and John Coghill just shot too many inner fours. The F-class contingent couldn't handle the wind any better than the TR group with Geoff Willis 57.2 and Ben Wright 56.2 the best of a sorry lot.