Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 07/01/2017

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 08, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 7 January 2017 T W Willman Trophy, 900yards Bathurst Rifle Range has obtained certification for conducting black powder target rifle competitions and Saturday saw the appearance of long rifles more commonly seen in the 1860's through to the 1900's. Shayne Barnsley and Kelvin Moss are vying for places in an Australian team to contest the World Long Range Muzzle Loading Championships in October this year. Barnsley who hasn't shot over the distance before, and Moss whose last shoot of any length was over 800 metres in 2013, took a bit of time to sight in and come to grips with the conditions. With few ranges available for long range target shooting the Bathurst Rifle Club welcomed the opportunity to share the range.

Weekly Review 31/12/2016

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 01, 2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 31 December 2016 N Rutherford Memorial Trophy, 800yards Well they turned up but took one look at the weather conditions (wind as in last week and heat as in top of summer) and vacated the range at a gallop. A few with less sense than is good for them stayed and suffered a torment of similar proportions to last week. Our State and National reps again led the way but they were not immune from the battering that the lesser lights sustained. Nick Cock found starting a real problem with 3 inner fours in his first four shots and then squeezed an inner between two centre bull's eyes to finish. He went one worse in his second stage both in his centre tally and the fact that he joined the plebs with a magpie in his 46.03 but it gave him a Cock of the Walk winning 92.07.

Weekly Review 24/12/2016

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 25, 2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 24 December 2016 W Northcott Memorial Trophy, 700yards The rifle range was engulfed in the confluence of two weather systems which produced a turbulent couple of hours. Winds came from every angle and at times the seven directional flags arrayed down the range all pointed in different directions. It was little wonder that the few who bothered to turn up on Christmas Eve hoping for an early Christmas present went home with their tails between their legs. Graeme Bright was the only half satisfied shooter as his resurgence continues. Bright's two stages were marred by five inner fours but he managed to keep most of his shots contained in the bull's eye ring and with five centre bull's eyes he more than doubled everyone else on that front. The 95.05 score may not be an eventual keeper but it is already one point ahead of his first effort and qualifies him at the 700 yard range.

Weekly Review 17/12/2016

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 18, 2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 17 December 2016 Diggers and G James Cups, 600yards Approaching Christmas even the challenge of posting a competitive score for the Club Championship is not inducing big attendances at the local competition. To be fair members have travelled extensively during the year winning several competitions, and family comes first at this time of year. For those that did attend on Saturday they may as well have had a days' rest as the wind played rough and there was many an ironic smile on shooters faces as they exited the mound. The westerly wind was strong and gusting (up to 9 windage points or 1 ½ metre deviation) and moved in a 45 degree arc from west south-west to west north-west. The buffeting shooters experienced on the mound certainly did not help matters.

Weekly Review 10/12/2016

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 11, 2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 10 December 2016 Diggers and G James Cups, 500yards A typical summer's day greeted shooters on the 500 mound for the fifth stage of the Diggers and G James Cups. A mildly gusting west north-westerly breeze accompanied by a strong mirage was enough to try the best shooters, with the flags dropping off, picking up and even changing sides. The day actually belonged to two shooters, one each from the Target Rifle and F Class disciplines. Graeme Bright who feels he won the 2015-16 Club Championship by default rather than ability is regaining the form of his halcyon days where he won numerous Club Championships and was always in the top echelon of shooters both at home and away.